Event Industry Alliance
EIA/IBEC/SFA Partnership

Statement and Work Programme
The Event Industry Alliance(EIA) is the coming together of Ireland’s Event Industry representative organisations to:
- advance the strategic interests of the industry,
- provide a unified voice for the industry and
- inform and engage Government and relevant state bodies on the vital role the industry plays in Ireland’s economic and social life.
The EIA is the representative group of the broadest cross section of the Industry in Ireland and its members include:
Association of Irish Festivals and Events.
Event Industry Association of Ireland
Event Industry Ireland
Irish Exhibition Organisers Association
Irish Showman’s Guild
Wedding Band Association
Venue Operators and Promoters Forum
The key aims of the Event Industry Alliance are:
To be the strong, unifying voice of the sector in Ireland
It is the goal of the EIA to be the definitive voice for the Event Industry in Ireland. To be the touchstone for Government and State Agencies to come to when they need to consult with the Industry. To pool the wealth of knowledge and experience of the industry to work constructively with Government as we exit to a post pandemic landscape.
Advocate for and Influence
A key objective of the EIA is to pool the wide spectrum of talent in the Alliance to inform and influence key public and government stakeholders of the priorities of the Event Industry. By coming together under one banner, it allows the EIA to have coherent messaging and lends authority when developing key relationships in Government and in State Agencies.
EIA Partnership with IBEC/Small Firms Association (SFA)
The members of the EIA have agreed that it is in the best interest of the Industry to come together under one banner and to work with IBEC/SFA in the coming months through the Living with Covid Recovery phase, so that we can continue to increase the profile of the industry and assist with ensuring that the industry continues to get the recognition and supports it deserves from Government. In addition, IBEC/SFA can provide us with expertise required to progress on our common strategic objectives that will be key to continuing the professional status and momentum for this industry going forward.
The Alliance will be a key linkage for member organisations, allowing a pooling of information, regular updates from the SFA to inform members of key changes in the Industry, and in time the development of a skill platform to begin to tackle the talent shortages and staff retention that may present themselves in a post pandemic environment.
The Alliance will be a platform where industry representatives can come together, facilitated by the SFA, on an equal footing to share information on best practice, to support training and upskilling to foster professional career driven development in the industry.
An Event Industry Network will be established within IBEC/SFA, where working groups will be established to progress objectives of the EIA.
Additional membership services available from the SFA
In addition to services that will be provided via the Event Industry Network within IBEC/SFA, members of the SFA will also enjoy the benefits of a broad range of SFA and IBEC member services in accordance with business size.
Services include:
- SFA online member portal is our hub for practical HR management guidelines and sample policies, contract and company handbook templates that you can use in your own business. It includes updates on the latest developments in legislation that you must be compliant with.
- Webinars and workshops: Hear from in-house and invited experts on a range of business topics: Occupational Health and Safety, Risk Assessment, Tenant Rights, Economic Updates, Building Resilience and Wellbeing, Mental Health and more.
- Networking and business development opportunities: SFA Business Connect event, SFA Awards Programme and SFA Better Business Magazine.
- SFA HR Advice line (business up to 30 employees) and Ibec Knowledge Centre team (over 30 employees)
Call to Action
We cannot do this without your support, this alliance is only as strong as its member organisations and you our members. EIA, with the support of the SFA and IBEC will ensure that the Event Industry voice is heard and we need your support to push forward. Please complete the expression of interest form to express your interest in joining the SFA. Once you have expressed your interest the SFA will send you further membership details inc. their special introductory membership rate for event industry businesses.
Expressions of Interests must be completed by 5pm Friday 10th of September ’21.